Latest Overseas Employment Recruitment Information

The headquarters has carried out the dispatch of Chinese food chefs in Germany, Russia, Slovenia, South Korea, Singapore and other countries, as well as the dispatch of Singapore Airlines maintenance technicians, bus drivers, star hotel receptionists and restaurant attendants, as well as the dispatch of engineering and technical personnel for construction contracting projects of Chinese central enterprises in Africa.

Frequently Asked Questions about Overseas Employment

The headquarters has carried out the dispatch of Chinese food chefs in Germany, Russia, Slovenia, South Korea, Singapore and other countries, as well as the dispatch of Singapore Airlines maintenance technicians, bus drivers, star hotel receptionists and restaurant attendants, as well as the dispatch of engineering and technical personnel for construction contracting projects of Chinese central enterprises in Africa.

Employment in Qatar

Qatar is very friendly to China and implements a visa-free preferential policy for Chinese citizens to travel to Qatar; therefore, the personal safety of Chinese people working and living in Qatar will be fully guaranteed

Dubai, UAE Employment

It has a complete labor security system, which can effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreigners working in the local area; and the UAE is very friendly to China and implements visa-free preferential policies for Chinese citizens to travel to the UAE

Employment in Singapore

Singapore is located in Southeast Asia. It is a tropical island country with an area of only 700 square kilometers. The social security is also very good and the degree of legalization is high. Therefore, the personal safety of working and living here will be fully guaranteed.

Employment in Macau

Macau speaks Chinese, and its eating habits are close to those of Guangdong, so it is easier for Chinese employees working here to adapt to the local life.

German Chinese Chef Employment

So far, thousands of laborers (trainees) in mechanical processing, electronic engineering, civil construction, furniture manufacturing, Chinese chefs, etc. have been sent to Japan, South Korea, Germany, the Middle East and Southeast Asian countries.

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