
In mid-May 2024, Qatar Airport staff recruitment brochure (Qatar state-owned enterprises work)

Job Responsibilities: Sell world famous cosmetics, perfume, luggage, famous brand tobacco and alcohol, high-grade food, famous watches, etc. [Sales Cashier] in the airport duty-free shop]. Professional is not limited, can use English for basic daily conversation; The image is correct and there is no obvious scar on the face. The teeth are basically neat, without obvious buck teeth or tiger teeth. Without any infectious diseases




2024 Macao Luxury Hotel Five-star Hotel Supplementary Job Recruitment Rules

The five-star hotels in Macao are generally internationally renowned hotels. In this job, you can not only learn the management of internationally renowned hotels and accept various free trainings, but also gain valuable work experience in internationally renowned hotels, which can lay a good foundation for your future personal development.




2024 Cruise Sea Ride Recruitment

Internship content: rich positions, can be engaged in guest rooms, catering department, front desk, bar, kitchen, duty-free shops, photographers, travel department, Casino, SPA, nursery, and other cruise internships




Job Recruitment for Chinese Enterprises in Saudi Arabia

Responsible for the company's daily accounting work, to ensure that income, costs, expenses, accurate and timely accounting responsible for all kinds of asset verification, regular check transactions, collection of arrears, to ensure that the accounts match,


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