Regulations of the Employment Center for Foreign Workers of the German Labor Bureau on the Second Work of Chinese Chefs in Germany

Release time:


Confirmed by the Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, the Foreign Labor Employment Center of the German Labor Bureau has made new regulations for Chinese chefs to work in Germany for the second time. Chefs who have worked in Germany apply to work in Germany again. They do not need to provide a vocational school diploma or take an examination. They only need to prove that they have been to Germany before.

(October 25, 2012)


Confirmed by the Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, the Foreign Labor Employment Center of the German Labor Bureau has made new regulations for Chinese chefs to work in Germany for the second time. Chefs who have worked in Germany apply to work in Germany again. They do not need to provide a vocational school diploma or take an examination. They only need to prove that they have been to Germany before. (The original text is as follows)


By: _ BA-ZAV-Bonn-Specialty Chefs

Sent: Wednesday, 24. October 2012 09:19

An: '.PEKI RK-VISA102 Walter, Sabine',

Cc: '.SHAN RK-VISA14 Kulmann, Annemarie'

Subject: WG: Greetings from Berlin

Dear Mr. Zhou,

I would like to respond to your telephone request as follows.

Chefs who have already worked as specialty chefs in the Federal Republic of Germany in the past do not have to submit certificates from vocational schools to the CHINCA. The cooks only have to prove that they have already worked in Germany.

Greetings from Bonn

Gerhard Schweizer


By: Schweizer Gerhard

Sent: Tuesday, 23. October 2012 11:12

An: 'zhoushengqiao'

Subject: AW: Greetings from Berlin

Dear Mr. Zhou,

As already discussed by telephone, I would like to confirm in writing that chefs who have already worked in specialty restaurants in the Federal Republic of Germany in the past do not have to take exams in China.

The chefs can go to the CHINCA and have their documents put together directly. The applicants should inform the German representations that they have already worked in Germany in the past. Please also inform the CHINCA again.

I hope to have helped you with the information and remain:

Greetings from the Rhineland

Gerhard Schweizer

(Note: This page is reproduced from the website of China Foreign Engineering Contractors Association

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